Key Presenters

Lori Roggman, Ph.D.
Lori Roggman, Ph.D., Professor of Human Development in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Utah State University, began her career as a home visitor, focused on supporting parent-child interaction. After completing a Ph.D. in developmental psychology at the University of Texas, she launched a research career studying parenting support of early childhood and infant/toddler development and effective practices to promote parenting in home visiting programs. She has provided training to improve home visiting quality in the US and internationally.

Mark Innocenti, Ph.D.
Mark Innocenti, Ph.D., Director of the Research, Evaluation and Training Division at the Center for Persons with Disabilities and Associate Professor in Psychology at Utah State University, has 40 years of experience working with infants and young children at-risk and with disabilities and their families through multiple research and model demonstration projects. Mark is an author of Developmental Parenting: A Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners, the PICCOLO (Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes) parent-child interaction observation measure and the HOVRS (Home Visit Rating Scales) an observational measure of home visiting practices.